Hey Mom.

–  Do you struggle with sadness, anxiety, irritability, or anger since becoming a mom?

– Are you secretly wishing you could go back to the life you had before becoming a parent? Is your new role as a “mom” making you feel lost?

– Are you tired of feeling burnt out all the time trying to do everything for everyone?

– Has parenting brought back old wounds from your childhood? Are these triggers interfering with being the mother you want to be?

You aren’t alone.

Mothering is triggering as hell. No one prepared you for how hard this mothering thing would be. How is it possible to love your children so much, but also feel so depleted by the experience of mothering them day in and day out? The reality of the modern mother is just this—mothers are doing it all without proper support, without “the village”, and when they are anxious, depressed, depleted, and lost they think THEY are the problem.

I am here to tell you, that you are not the problem.

It is possible to feel more grounded, less stressed, and more at ease and confident as a mother.  

Together we will:

– explore the painful parts of your mothering journey.

– begin to identify and heal the childhood wounds that are impacting your parenting experience.

– find ways to cope with the daily stressors of motherhood, and bring more peace and presence into your life.

– explore your unique identity as a mother, and an individual, and work together to integrate the two, enabling you to feel more whole in your new identity.