If infertility is...

– consuming your thoughts, schedule, and life.

– interfering with your relationships with friends, family, coworkers, and even your partner.

– causing you to avoid people, places, and activities you used to enjoy.

– making you feel sad, hopeless, angry, and not yourself.

– causing you to feel betrayed by your body.

…I want you to know you are not alone.

Infertility Sucks.

When you want a child and are struggling to have one every part of your life is affected. Your relationships with friends and family are strained, attending family gatherings and holidays are hard, and seeing happy families all over social media makes you want to hide out from the world permanently. Coping with the grief of not having a baby the way you were always told it was going to happen is devastating.  Navigating fertility treatments, pregnancy loss, adoption, or surrogacy can leave you feeling lost, confused, and exhausted. 

I can’t make the pain of infertility go away, but I can help you learn ways to survive the experience.

Together we will:

– process the grief that comes with infertility.

– learn ways to cope with the depression, anxiety, anger, and rollercoaster of emotions that come with infertility and infertility treatment.

– identify what you need from your friends, family, and partner during this time and learn how to communicate these needs to them.

– help you feel a little less alone as you walk down this difficult path.

– heal the relationship you have with your body.